Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Sweet Redemption

5“Then I will restore to you the years that the locust swarm devoured,
as did the young locust, the other locusts, and the ravaging locust,
that great army of mine that I sent among you.
26You will have plenty to eat, and will be fully satisfied.
You will praise the name of the LORD your God,
who has performed wonders specifically for you.
And my people will never be ashamed.
27As a result, you will know that I am in the midst of Israel;
that I myself am the LORD your God—
and there is none other!
And my people will never be ashamed.”
Joel 2:25-27

In 2006, when I accepted Jesus into my heart and into my life, I had no idea to what capacity the word redemption would hold for me.  The years before had been years filled with destructive habits, self-demolition, and darkness.  Sin had ruled and reigned so heavy in my life that even my physical body ached of it, just as King David's had. Satan had managed to, even if only momentarily, disrupt every plan for Hope and a Future that God had for me. 

Moments before the Spirit of God completely invaded my life, I sat hopeless; ruined; and completely broken.  Digging a way out of the mud and mire that I was in seemed ridiculously impossible, and for me, it was. 

BUT GOD...Don't you just love when a story has those two words in it? BUT GOD, in His deep love and mercy; being Jehovah-Rapha (The God who Heals), knew I needed help.  He knew I needed a Mighty Savior to do for me what I could not do for myself.  I was severely wounded from the war Satan had waged against me.  I needed more than just healing.  I needed complete REDEMPTION.

So on that night in 2006, God gave me His word.  It was quite possibly the most audible word I have ever had Him speak to me.  It literally seemed to be out loud.  Not your typical still small voice.
The Lord assured me that every part of me that was broken; every area in my life that had been damaged: relationships, reputations, personal failures, and broken dreams would be healed, restored, REDEEMED.  Not partially.  Not mostly.  But back to the original canvas that God had initially created them as: Pure, clean, & undefiled by sin.

This is where I need to remind you that God NEVER breaks His promises.  He is true to His word.  He will NEVER fail His beloveds.

As I sit here seven years later, I can honestly say that my mind cannot even comprehend how the Lord has kept that promise to me way beyond anything I could have ever asked or imagined.
Tiny little details of my life that I didn’t know needed redeeming, well, He thought they did and He redeemed them!  Every minute area in my life that “the locust” or Satan had stolen from me, God gave me back TEN-FOLD! 

I wish I had time to tell you all about the REDEMPTION God has done in my life, but unfortunately I know that “ain’t nobody got time for that”.  For those who have walked with me through this journey, you have had the great honor of seeing firsthand God’s amazing work.  Consider yourselves very blessed because you have witnessed a true miracle.

Although I won’t overload you with EVERY SINGLE THING He has done, please allow me to tell you the latest two things He has redeemed.  They are really, really, good!

Many of you read on my Facebook a while back that I had a testimony to go with this pregnancy.  It is a true story of redemption and one I want the whole world to hear about. 

As most of you know, when I was 18 I had an abortion.  Satan had so entangled me in sin that I made the worst decision I have ever made in my life.  I ended the life of my first child.  Satan fought hard to convince me of this decision because he KNEW how it would destroy me.  And it did. 

Once I accepted Jesus in my heart, I knew that would be the area I needed the most healing in.  I knew that part of me needed to be redeemed.  I also knew God would do it.  I just didn’t know when or how. 

Fast-foward seven years later….. Happily married and trying to conceive our first child, my husband and I struggled through two miscarriages.  As devastating as they were, I knew my God was good and EVERYTHING he did was for my good.  So I clung to His truth and hope.  Finally, we got a SURPRISE third pregnancy!  I was called in for an early ultrasound due to the past difficulties with my other two pregnancies.  During the ultrasound, the baby was there, the heartbeat was there, but the Sonographer said the size of the baby was concerning according to my cycle dates.  They gave me my due date, which was the end of January, and told me to come back the next week to be rechecked.

Fear and doubt crept into my soul, but again, God convinced me to trust Him.  So I did. 

We came back a week later to see if our sweet baby had grown anymore and if everything was ok.  And wouldn’t you know, that little baby had the strongest heartbeat and had grown just perfectly!  The nurses concluded our dates had been wrong, the baby was right where she needed to be, and they gave me a new due date: February 13th, 2014. 

So what is the relevance, you ask?  February 13th is the relevance.  February is the month 8 years ago that I had ended that precious life that was growing inside of me.  8 Years ago in February, Satan had allured me into the most heinous, evil act I could have ever imagined myself doing. 

BUT GOD!  There it is again.  BUT GOD, in His sweet, sweet, sweet, redemption wanted to take that very thing that I meant for evil and turn it into GOOD for HIS GLORY.  So, on the VERY SAME MONTH (My God loves to show off) 8 years ago that I ended LIFE, God redeemed it and is giving me LIFE back! Hallelujah, WHAT A SAVIOR! 

God even had a purpose in those miscarriages.  He knew the time was not right and that if we would wait patiently, not only would he bring us the baby we were dreaming of but He would bring COMPLETE HEALING to me as well! Ah, He is so GOOD, is He not?

You know, I think today I am going to end on that note.  The second story I have of His redemption is wonderful, but I want you to sit on this one for a while and marvel at His goodness. 
He cares about you, beloved.  He cares about every MINUTE detail in your life, down to the months, hours, and seconds. 

He has not forgotten what Satan did to you and HIS vengeance, not yours but HIS, is GLORIOUS!  His vengeance is REDEMPTION.  And there is no sweeter thing. 

Monday, September 30, 2013

My Silver Lining

I have always loved the phrase, "Every cloud has a silver lining".  Rainy, gloomy days have always seemed to have the power to determine my attitude.  If I wake up and darkness still fills my room, I instantly want to go back to sleep.  As I get ready, I search my closet for any form of "stretchy"pants, "comfy" pants, and other various articles of clothing that will ensure that everyone around me knows exactly how I feel about this day according to my attire.  I pour an extra cup of coffee as my back up and head to work/church/school/fill in the blanks ___________.  As I am in my car, I always hopelessly search the sky for any indication of blue sky, sunshine, or a break in the clouds.  I pout when no such thing is revealed.  Although I see the silver linings around the clouds, it's hard for me to allow the prospect of the sun behind the clouds to be anything optimistic or something to look forward to.  If I am honest, most times I *choose* to ignore its presence.  Rain is rain.  It's here, it's not going anywhere, I am doomed to be miserable the rest of this entire day!

Sadly, my spiritual life can take on this vicious cycle as well.  When life throws me figurative rainy days, I choose not to see the silver lining or, the light at the end of the tunnel, if you will.  I pout.  I sulk.  I become rotten and miserable.  

However, the Holy Spirit has convicted my heart and my soul.  My perspective is wrong and it has clouded my vision and stifled my joy.  Is it not God who creates all things?  Is rain from the enemy or does it come from the very hands of God Himself?  

Job 37 answers that question powerfully and beautifully: 

He says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth,’
    and to the rain shower, ‘Be a mighty downpour.’

So that everyone he has made may know his work,
    he stops all people from their labor.

He loads the clouds with moisture;

    he scatters his lightning through them.
At his direction they swirl around
    over the face of the whole earth
    to do whatever he commands them.
He brings the clouds to punish people,
    or to water his earth and show his love.

“Listen to this, Job;

    stop and consider God’s wonders.
Do you know how God controls the clouds
    and makes his lightning flash?
Do you know how the clouds hang poise

    those wonders of him who has perfect knowledge?

You who swelter in your clothes
    when the land lies hushed under the south wind, 
can you join him in spreading out the skies,
    hard as a mirror of cast bronze?
See, I tend to forgot that when dark days come my way, it is my Heavenly Father who has allowed them.  He sees a purpose in them.  He sees a plan.  The loss of life, failures in finances, unexpected disasters, unanswered prayers....

These are all "Clouds" that God controls, hang poise, and spreads out.

Okay.  This makes my circumstances easier to understand and comprehend.  This knowledge points me to Him and causes my eyes to look up.  Yet, I am still not satisfied.  My joy is still far from me and the cloud is still hanging over me.  This knowledge only causes me to say "WHY, GOD, WHY?".  Relieve me of this circumstance!  Hear my pleas and prayers and respond!  I know you're faithful, I know you're true but I am trying desperately to be free...to be released of this burden.  What more can I do?  What more do you want from me?  Haven't I done my part?  Haven't I remained faithful?  Haven't I done all of the things to rid my life of this chaos?  Tell me, God.  Tell me!  What do you want from me?!?!

And that is when I go back to the first part of Job 37:

He says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth,’
    and to the rain shower, ‘Be a mighty downpour.’
So that everyone he has made may know his work,

    He stops all people from their labor.

When clouds hang over my life, I immediately feel as if it is my duty to get them to leave.  Somehow and someway I know I can make my sunshine return.  So I go looking for jobs; I go looking for new living arrangements; I seek advice and wisdom on the internet; I look over my bank statements obsessively believing that if I keep a constant check on them, somehow I am in control.

It's all me, me, me working, laboring, striving to make my circumstances better.  


“Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.

Rest.  That thing I CRAVE when a gloomy day rolls around.  That four letter word my heart desires when it's dark and rainy outside.  Rest.

The one thing my flesh RUNS from when my life is covered by a dark and overpowering thunderstorm. 

Yet God is there.  He is urging my heart to be still and know that He is God and He is in control. Psalm 46:10

God has placed that storm in my life for reasons He will eventually reveal to me, or perhaps simply for reasons I may never understand. But one thing I know, it is for my good.  He has a plan behind it and a purpose.  His promise reminds us that He will never leave us or forsake us, there will be joy in the mourning, and that  "Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him." James 1:12

God wants me to cease trying to fix everything and to rest in the shadow of His wings.  He is working a plan and I am simply getting in the way when I try to take control.  

This weekend I practiced my knew heart perspective.  Rain flooded mine and my husbands first day on vacation and we were driven to spend the day inside.  Instead of seeing this rain as a something to bitter and fight against, we embraced it.  We walked around a mall we'd never been it.  We went out for breakfast and watched the rain fall as we discussed how wonderful our life is.  We took naps.  Good, restful, much needed naps.  We went grocery shopping and spent quality time together.  Then we took more amazing naps!  And when we woke up, guess what happened?  The sun was shining in through the window!!  Bright, beautiful Sunshine.  

Not wanting to waste a minute of it, we raced to the beach and took a slow, enjoyable walk with our faces to the sun and the clouds to our backs.  We praised God for the break in the clouds and soaked up the warmth and light of the sun.  As the drizzle came back down on our way off the beach, I smiled and praised God that every good gift is from Him.  He knew my husband and I simply needed rest and we needed time with each other.  Slow, downtime, to reflect on how good and simple our life really is.

Embracing the rain and not fighting against it, we were able to maintain our joy even in undesirable circumstances.    

We were able to see the silver lining and allow it to cause our hearts to hope.  

God's working a plan in your life.  When you can't see through the darkness, let HIM lead you.  Don't try to find your way out on your own.  His way is the best way and His way promises a sunny tomorrow.  

And when you look up to the clouds and see the silver linings, remember that although you can't see the sun, it is still there hiding behind the cloud and the silver lining...

Indeed, everything is for your benefit, so that grace, extended through more and more people, may cause thanksgiving to increase to God’s glory.
Therefore we do not give up. Even though our outer person is being destroyed, our inner person is being renewed day by day. For our momentary light affliction is producing for us an absolutely incomparable eternal weight of glory. 
 So we do not focus on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:15-20

Stop striving and find rest in His promises.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

His Love Makes it Worth it All...

Here is what I love about Jesus Christ-2000 years later, on His birthday when I am supposed to be blessing him, He is continuing to send His outpouring of love and blessing onto me. Today a phenomenal new story of redemption has occurred in my life. Another story of His unfailing love, unconditional compassion and unending grace has been written in my book of life. Today, 2000 years after entering this world in human flesh for the salvation of his people, He is still breaking chains and setting the captives free. Today He is still running passionately after His beloveds.

I have been struggling relentlessly with the call that Jesus has placed on my heart. He has called me into post abortion ministry, and of this I am sure. However, post abortion ministry is not rainbows and butterflies. It's dark and despairing. Post abortion ministry can be defined in two words: spiritual warfare. Satan has been roaming the earth since the fall of Eve, preying on women with one mission in mind: to kill, still and destroy God's plan and purpose for their lives. That is why this issue of abortion is never discussed, never mentioned and needless to say, never an acceptable conversation over dinner. Satan has so isolated it by overdosing the post abortive women with an overwhelming amount of guilt and shame. This guilt and shame has left them paralyzed by a fear of ever admitting their one “unforgivable sin” to anyone, ever! Satan is winning, you see.

One out of three women in the CHURCH, sitting on the very pew that you sit in every Sunday, has had an abortion. The woman who leads the nursery, your preacher’s wife, your hairstylist, your bank teller, your grandma. Abortion does not discriminate. It can allure the soul of any woman in desperation, fear, pain, or confusion. It goes after the Christian and non-Christian alike. After all, abortion is satan himself. He’s deceptive, deceiving even the strongest of strong. He tells her that there is no other way, that this is the only real choice she has to make. He deceives the woman to believe that this is what is best. Her life will be better in the long run. Her future can continue as before. The obstacle can be removed, quickly and easily as if nothing had ever happened. He deceives her to believe that good can come out of this. She is really doing the best thing for her child, herself, her family. She believes all this. She believes it because she’s desperate. Time is running out. She believes the evil one. He’s deceived her yet again, just like he did Eve. He made promises he never intended to keep.

Then, 15 minutes later, she walks out of the clinic. Broken. Wounded. Dead on the inside. Satan laughs in her face. He spits at her and mocks her stupidity. She’s alone, now more desperate than before. Her hopes, her dreams, her life have dissolved before her very eyes and by her very own hand. And in that moment she knows that she will forever carry this burden alone; hidden deep in the empty pit of her soul. No one can ever know what heinous crime she has committed. They would never understand. So she surrenders what is left of her integrity, worth and value over to the great deceiver.

This is abortion. This is the reality of one out of every three women that you run into daily.

This is where Jesus calls me. I was this girl at 19 years old. I was deceived in a moment of desperation. My life as I knew it ended that day. Satan won, FOR THE MOMENT. Had Christ not ran to me, I would still be dead in my sin. But, the Great Redeemer himself rescued me out of my deadness. He chose to come to me in the pits of my despair. He came because He had a plan and purpose for my life. He saw beauty among the ashes that covered me. He saw rubies and pearls amidst the mud and mire that I sat in.

But, He saved me for a purpose. He came to me with a plan. He revealed to me the isolation satan has brought upon the post abortive woman. He’s called me to bring the darkness to light. If I don’t, who will? How could I not tell the world what He has done for me? How can I keep it a secret any longer? That’s of satan, not of Jesus. Jesus is TRUTH. Jesus is LIFE. Nothing stays hidden in darkness when the light of Christ is so readily available.

So here is where my struggle ends. After wrestling as Jacob did with the Lord himself, God finally spoke louder than my mindless thoughts. I have been asked to give my testimony at church. My mother, being the great protector she is God bless her, was a little concerned that I should first tell family members who did not know of my past before sharing with the world publicly. Mom warned me that people may judge me and be harsh. She warned me that some may not understand. But wasn’t Jesus the most misunderstood person to ever walk this earth? Wasn’t he hated, despised and rejected? Wasn’t He hung on a cross because of his testimony? How could I not share in Christ’s suffering? He saved me for that very purpose. If I could set one woman free with the amazing grace and truth of the gospel, than I would consider it worth every loss. I assured her of all of this, yet deep inside I was beginning to experience a little uncertainty myself. I prayed and asked the Holy Spirit for guidance.

This morning, on Jesus birthday, my mom revealed to my grandmother my “past”. AND THE HOLY SPIRIT BEGAN TO MOVE! Because of my testimony, my grandmother revealed a family secret of her own. My mother’s aunt (my grandmothers sister), who had died at a young age having battled mental illness and alcoholism, had experienced an abortion before abortion was even legal. Upon having the abortion, my great aunt fell into extreme depression, and alcohol became her only escape. Satan kept her isolated, bound to the secret of her “unforgiveable sin”. Abortion, the great deception of the evil one, caused my aunt to forfeit the amazing purpose and plan my God had for her life. She hid her secret deep in her heart and let the guilt and shame wrap its tight rope around her neck and she jumped. She surrendered to the evil one. She remained alone and isolated in the darkness of her transgressions.

What if one person had told her that abortion was no greater sin than any other? What if one person had revealed their testimony of God’s amazing grace even in the midst of abortion? What if one other woman had reached out and told my great aunt that she was not alone? I believe that to this day she would still be alive. I believe she would be filled with joy, peace and love. Satan would have lost. Chains would have been broken. Her life would have been healed and delivered.

The Holy Spirit has convicted me enough through all of this that I now am certain of my purpose. Though I try to run from it, His love always calls me back to it. What I intended for evil, He so longs to turn to good. I have to simply be willing; willing to let my guard down, to stand up against the opposition of the evil one, to risk condemnation and judgment. I have to be willing to lay everything down in surrender at His feet; my hopes, my dreams, my plans. I have to believe that His ways are higher than my ways and His thoughts higher than my thoughts.

This life is not about me and my comfort. It’s about His love and His sacrifice. Jesus paid it all and all to Him I owe.

“He has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion- to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair” Isaiah 61

We were saved by grace through faith. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:8-10.

This is our purpose; to make His name known and His Gospel famous; to be the hands and feet of Jesus. I’ve wrestled too long and hard with Him. He deserves my immediate obedience. Though satan attacks me with fear and doubt, there is one thing I now know and will forever cling to:

"All of this is for our benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God. Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that FAR OUTWEIGHS them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is ETERNAL."


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

While in the Waiting Room

"I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and for the Lord." Psalm 27:13

Wow. I don't even know how to fit all of my thoughts and feelings into one measly little blog right now. As a matter of fact, I know there is no way that I could. God has really been stirring up a lot in me lately. The current issue at hand, waiting. My heart seems to shudder at this word. In the Psalms above, it is so easy for me to rest and rely on the first half. "I will see the goodness of the Lord". That, I can cling to. That makes my heart soar and my spirit rejoice. It is the second part I have an issue with, "Wait for the Lord". My human impulsive, impatient flesh groans in contempt when I hear the word "wait". As humans, we are designed to not want to wait. We want things now, as soon as the desire is placed in our hearts and minds. Could you imagine for one moment if we jumped at every desire as soon as it entered our souls. But this isn't the point I want to make. The point is not what happens when we don't wait. I have heard sermon upon sermon about waiting for God's timing. I know all the reasons why we wait. I know that God honors waiting. I know that waiting is obedience and its for our good. It doesn't make waiting any easier to know these thing though. What I do not know however, is how to wait well. I mean, seriously think about it. What is the point of waiting if we are going to constantly be miserable and groaning the whole time. What is the point of waiting if God only hears complaints and hints of bitterness, which you must admit we all have at some point during our wait. Now, I know God can handle our complaints and whining. But just because He can, why should He have to? The one thing that I want the most on the earth, apart from the Lord, is a husband. God has placed this desire in me since I was born basically. It has never left me, not even for one day. I have even prayed it away on several occasions, begging the Lord if He had no intentions on bringing me a husband then I was fine with that, just please take the desire away. Well, needless to say the desire is still here and the husband is not. So yes, I know I am meant to get married. I have no doubt in my mind about that. When I pray for a husband and get discouraged it is not because I don't believe there is one out there for me, it is because he is not showing up soon enough. I AM WEARY OF WAITING! God hears that far to often out of my mouth. So how do we wait well? Because it is in the waiting well that God longs to be "gracious to us, to show compassion on us, to Bless those who wait on Him" Is. 30:18. If you have children or have been around children, you know what I am talking about. When they want something there is two ways they go about it: 1.) asking politely and 2.) repetitively whining and demanding NOW NOW NOW. You say hold on just a second yet they continue to beg. It becomes down right annoying. You almost don't want to give them what they are wanting out of spite. That is how I feel like we sound to God, simply annoying. We act like He is withholding this one thing from us out of spite. We ask repeatedly like He didn't hear us the first time. Now don't misunderstand me, it is okay to pray for the same thing constantly. The word says "pray without ceasing" 1Thessalonians 5:17. So yes, don't quit praying for something that means a lot to you. What I am suggesting however, is how you pray for it. The word says "Delight yourselves in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart" Psalm 37:4. Matthew 12:34 says "For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks." Our desires are placed in our hearts by God when we first delight in Him. When we dedicate our lives, joy, and happiness to the Lord, for the Lord, He puts desires for good things in our heart. Therefore, whatever our desires or "request" are come from how we feel about the Lord. If we are content, joyful, and excited about the Lord then our mouth sends our requests out in this way to the Lord. He hears our desires as confident, expectant, faithful and joyful. Who wouldn't want to bless that? The problem exist when our hearts have grown weary of the wait. Our request are denied when they are sent out with bitterness hanging on, doubt and anxiousness. We are not delighting in the Lord when are doubtful, discouraged and impatient. Those things are not from God at all. Matthew 21:22 says "If you believe you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." According to Strong's concordance believe means to stand firm, be confident in, to in trust. This is how we should present our request, with confidence KNOWING that God will give us the desires of our hearts because that is what He has promised. We should stand firm in our hope KNOWING that what we have asked may linger but we will "wait for it; it will certainly come and WILL NOT DELAY" Habakkuk 2:3. The waiting part shouldn't even be the issue. Waiting is a part of life. We so easily wait in lines at restaurants because we KNOW that we will eventually get fed. We so easily and patiently wait for our next hair appointment because we have no doubt that we are indeed going to get our hair done. So what makes waiting on the Lord so much harder when He delights in giving us the desires of our heart. What He gives is "far better than anything we could imagine or think up on our own: Ephes.3:20 The way we wait and wait well is by pressing into God. Seeking His word to grow deeper in our knowledge of Him. We wait well by rejoicing in every moment that we walk with our Savior. We focus on the giver and not the getting. I believe when we can reach this point, that is when the Lord will say "well done good and faithful servant" and in turn He will then joyfully give us the desires of our heart. The desire that He has so graciously put there waiting for the moment He could romance us with them. So remain confident in this, you WILL see the goodness of the Lord. In the meantime be strong, confident, hopeful and let your heart stand firm and rejoice in the Lord. Wait for Him to come to you and display His glory for all to see. When the Lord brings you your desires they will be "sweeter than honey" to your mouth. Wait well beloveds. It will be well worth every second when you see the hand of the Lord upon you.

Monday, January 25, 2010

My Dance has Begun...

How is it possible to be this in love? My heart burns with an all consuming passion. Jesus, the lover of my soul has pursued me and won. All this time I was searching for a love to fill the empty space in my soul. The space, that lingered of loneliness and incompleteness. Last night, I met Jesus face to face in our secret place. He said now is the time. Now beloved, the time has come that you believe I am your Bridegroom, your husband, the only one your heart should desire. As my soul floated into the Heavens, there in the night we danced, as newlyweds on their wedding night. In His presence I felt completely safe and at peace. Resting in His arms my soul ceased striving. It was completely satisfied in my lover’s arms. This is what I have been looking for. Jesus has shown me this love that no other could fulfill. He has "Set me as a seal over His heart, as a seal on His arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: it burns like a blazing fire, like a mighty flame. Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned" (Song of Songs 8:6). Can this love be real? A love as strong as death, burning like a blazing fire, this is what love I know. Jesus has called me into His throne room. I won’t relent. My feet will run with the quickness after my lover. He beckons me and I answer. My soul burn’s with a longing for Him. Though He constantly consumes me, I have yet to get enough. He calls me His glorious princess, and brings me into His palace leading me in with joy and gladness. I meet my King face to face. He is enthralled by my beauty (psalm 45:11). He sees me as Holy. I bow before my King, for He is worthy of my praise. He lifts my face to the sky and His light makes my face radiant. This is what I was created for; this is what I live for. One look on His face, one glance at His eyes ignites the flame in my heart. He brings me into His Holy place and I dance! I dance for my King. I sing His praises. This is it. I have found what my soul hungers for. I have found the one this desire in my heart burns for. There is no need to seek any longer, no need to wait on the watch tower anymore. My beloved has sought me, found me, pursued me and won me. My love romance has begun. It is better than I could have ever imagined. My dance has begun and its one that never ends. It is pure beauty. My heart throbs and swells with joy (Isaiah60:5). He has allured me into the wilderness and spoken tenderly to me there. We are betrothed together forever, in righteousness and justice, in love and compassion. We are betrothed in faithfulness and I call Him Lord (Hosea 2:14 ). He is my maker, my Husband. The Lord Almighty is His name-the Holy One of Israel is my redeemer (Isaiah 54:5). There is no greater love than this. It fulfills my desires and consumes me. His love is more than enough for me.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Joy of the Lord is My Strength.

Today began day 5 of the infamous Daniel Fast. I must say, it has been a 5 day rollercoaster ride to say the least. I admit I have definitely had my up's and down's. Yesterday was my biggest down. I nearly had a melt down at Chic-Fila alongside my one and a half year old nephew. It wasn't really the cravings for food that made me upset but how incredibly exhausted I felt. This made me realize how addicted my body is to sugar and caffeine. Shame, Shame. As I drove home last night nodding in and out of a wide awake sleep (where your eyes are wide open and you know you must be awake but you are really not conscious at all) I began to remember the whole reason for the Daniel Fast. Daniel chose to fast the Kings food to prove that His strength relied upon the Lord. At the end of the fast Daniel was stronger than the kings. Is God of the Old Testament not still the God of today? Of course He is! As this played over in my head I began to pray. I asked the Lord to give me the kind of strength that He gave Daniel. I expressed my weariness and exhaustion yet told Him I trusted in Him to supply my strength. This morning, I woke up renewed, refreshed, energized and ready to take on the day. I made breakfast, got the kids ready and took them to the park. At the park we ran laps up and down the playground, traveled to space and back and even swung through the trees of South America as tigers chased us. Whew. That was enough to wear anyone out, and to me it did. As we arrived back at the house and I started to make them lunch, my body was quickly shutting down. Fatigue entered and my body and I began to feel drained. Then I remembered the “praying” part of the fast. I quickly asked God to renew my strength and give me a supernatural energy that only He could provide. That was three hours ago and here I am writing this note, fully awake. He is so good, is He not? That is one of the greatest things I am learning from this fast. First, reliance upon the Lord is all that you need and second, to praise Him for every provision small or large. Before I laid the kids down for nap, I decided to do a small devotional with them. The devotion of the day was on thankfulness. It explained that whenever we are grumpy or having a spirit of complaining, we need to turn it around with thanks. I did this devotional with Jake because he had been giving me trouble laying down for naptime. I explained to Jake that instead of whining we need to be thanking. As I laid him down for nap, we thanked Jesus for sleep and I never heard another peep. Then, with all the renewed energy in me I sat down to study God’s word. I began with a devotional from Proverbs 31 ministry and low and behold it was about contentment and thankfulness. God has a funny way of showing us His face through children. That very devotion I was giving to my nap rebelling nephew was actually meant for me. I have struggled so much lately with finding contentment. God has moved me from a place of comfortableness to a place of uncertainty. My flesh has acted out in all of this and I have done nothing but complain and whine. Contentment has been the last emotion on my agenda. I am ashamed to admit, but all I’ve been doing is searching for more and daydreaming for better, as if God is not enough. Where is my praise? Where is my thanksgiving? Psalm 103 Says to praise God and “forget not ALL His benefits-for He forgives ALL your sins, heals ALL your diseases, redeems your life from the pit and crowns your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like eagles.” Wow, if that doesn’t humble me, then nothing will. God has for one, given us the ultimate gift of Salvation. It is free, undeserved and eternal. He rescued me from the pit of Hell I had placed myself in simply because He loves me and wanted to. I should wake up every morning and go to bed everyone night with songs of thanksgiving for just that alone. Next we have His whole “forgiving and forgetting our sins”. I don’t know about you, but if I had a dime for everyone….. Thank you Jesus we don’t have to review those. Then we have the fact that He “heals all our diseases.” Imagine if Christ wasn’t in control of our bodies. All the things we do to ourselves from driving wreck-less and eating terrible. Then you have the billions upon billions of germs we encounter every day. We should be dead, seriously. But God is so mighty he saves us from death, daily. Finally, Psalms 103 reveals to us that He crowns us with love and compassion and SATISFIES OUR DESIRES WITH GOOD THINGS. He goes beyond, beyond to bless us. That was only 5 lines in the whole entire bible revealing God’s blessings. Repentance has risen up in me and my heart swells with songs of thanksgiving at how truly amazing our God really is. Paul said he learned to be content. I think He learned by fully relying on God and acknowledging every minute blessing God bestowed upon Him, from strength to humility. This fast is teaching me who God really is and what He wants, and ridding me of who I am and what I want. I am thankful for that. What are you thankful for? I would love to hear the things God has done and is doing in your life. Let’s lift His name up and give Him some praise! Thanks and have a blessed day :)

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goodbye Yesterday, Hello Tomorrow.

It is officially 2:47 a.m. on the first day of 2010. Happy New Year! As I sit here, delirious and hungover from excessive amounts of peanut butter balls and punch, I reminisce on the last 23 years of my life. For a cup half full perspective, each year has been better than the one before. I am filled with anticipation of what the new year will hold for me. God has blessed me abundantly and continues to pour out His favor upon me. His promise of plans to give me hope and a future are exceeding every bit of my expectations. I dare to even imagine what He has in store for me this year. Tonight I leave any and every expectation or preconceived notion behind. Tonight I exhale and brace myself fo
r the unknown. The possibilities are endless with the Lord in the driver seat of my life. Tonight, I leave yesterday behind and eagerly look forward to what tomorrow holds. Tonight I am going to bed overly satisfied, fully content, and incandescently happy. Tonight, I enter 2010 fully trusting God and ready for the plans He has for my life to begin. My plans for the new year along with my resolutions are getting thrown into the trash. Who really carries them out anyways? Instead, I'm leaving my plans up to God. They're in His hands to do with them as He pleases. This year I'll live by one motto and one alone. "Plan to be surprised". It's the theme to one of my favorite movies Dan in Real Life. So, I end 2009 with one request from the Lord-surprise me God, I plan to be surprised. Goodnight and goodbye 2009, Hello and Good morning 2010 :)